A good consultation is key to increasing patient retention, patient happiness and business growth.

Your patient has come to you because they want to make themselves better, and they believe that a lip enhancement will help them feel this way.

However, it’s up to you as the practitioner to get to the bottom of why this is and make a judgment on whether a lip augmentation will improve their happiness.

Why does this person want to have needles put in their lips? It most likely goes deeper than just for aesthetic purposes.

We need to understand why this is and get our patients to openly tell us so that we can get to the heart of why they are seeking treatment.

Sample 8D lips consultation checklist

The best consultation questions touch on the individual conflict the patient is facing. Your aim is to get them to open up, feel comfortable and build trust with you as the expert.

Download my Lip Consultation Checklist which includes the questions you should be asking your lip patients to ensure a thorough and meaningful consultation, and a great experience for your patient.

Lip Consultation Question Checklist

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    This free resource is provided by Dr Tim Pearce, leading eLearning/online aesthetics course provider.

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    Watch injection techniques happen in 3D motion. Visualise what’s actually happening beneath the surface when you inject so that you can finally get the results you see in your mind’s eye

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