If you’re wondering which instrument you should choose based on the viscosity of your filler then this download is going to become your GO TO guide!

Most clinicians use the needle that comes with a product, only occasionally switching to different instruments out of curiosity or necessity. And that’s when they discover what a drastic difference a small change can make.

Supplied instruments are usually chosen to allow for easily controlled injections. So, they’re extrude product easily, but without allowing for the opposite problem – uncontrolled flow of product into tissue. As you’ll find out if you switch to other needles, the result is often a drastic difference in the extrusion force and rate of flow of the product.

This guide breaks down the ideal instrument size (needle & cannula) for your filler viscosity.

Common Needle:Cannula Choices For Lips SAMPLE

Needle/Cannula Choices For Lips

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    This free resource is provided by Dr Tim Pearce, leading eLearning/online aesthetics course provider.

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