Where to Submit a Complaint
We’re dedicated to the highest of standards for your care. If that’s not been your experience, please let us know.
If you would like to submit a complaint, please email: support@drtimpearce.com.
Dr Tim Limited is committed to providing our customers with excellent service. To continue to ensure that the same level of excellence is provided to you, we encourage you to submit feedback. With your feedback, we can make improvements to our products and services.
We understand that sometimes we do not always provide the high level of service or quality that we aspire to achieve. Therefore, we want to help you resolve your complaint in a timely and satisfactory manner. At Dr Tim Limited, we promise to listen to your complaint, treat it seriously and with respect, and learn from it.
Our customer complaints policy covers complaints about the following:
- The standard of service that we provide;
- The way we have processed your data;
- The behaviour of our staff; and
- Any action or lack of action by staff affecting an individual or group.
Our customer complaints policy does not cover the following:
- Matters that have already been fully investigated through this grievance procedure;
- Anonymous complaints; or
- Complaints about access to information where procedures and remedies are set out in legislation.
Dr Tim Limited’s Standards for Handling Complaints
- Your complaint will be treated both seriously and with respect – regardless of whether it is submitted by letter or email.
- You will be treated with courtesy and fairness as you work with a Dr Tim Limited representative.
- Your complaint will be treated in confidence within the team.
- Your complaint will be dealt with promptly – we will acknowledge that we have received it within 2 working days and send you a full response within 10 working days. If we cannot send a full reply within 10 working days, we will inform you of the reason and let you know when we will be able to provide you with a full response.
Making a Formal Complaint
Stage 1: Informal Resolution
Once we have received your complaint, we will send you a response within 2 working days to let you know that you can expect a full response within 10 working days.
Then, a manager will conduct a full investigation into your complaint. The aim of the manager is to address each issue raised in your complaint.
If you remain dissatisfied after receiving the initial response from the manager, you have the option of requesting that your complaint be reviewed under Stage 2. However, before your complaint can be reviewed further under Stage 2, you will need to clarify why you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been handled. If we agree that there is evidence to suggest that your complaint has not been properly or sufficiently considered, your complaint will be reviewed under Stage 2.
Stage 2: Formal Resolution
Upon approval for further review, we will send you a response within 2 working days to let you know that we have received it and that you can expect a full response within 10 working days.
Then, an executive director or appropriate senior manager will be appointed to review your complaint. The executive director or appropriate senior manager will work to better address each issue raised in your complaint and any shortcomings that were present during Stage 1.
Extending Response Time Limits
While we aim to address all complaints in a timely and thorough manner, some are more complex and may require additional time. If we do require more than the standard 10 working days, we will inform you of our progress in the investigation, the reason(s) for the delay and the new deadline.
Complaints about Data
You may have a “right to object” under the General Data Protection Regulation”, this applies where we are using your data for the purposes of direct marketing or statistical analysis. One way to see the right to object is the right to complain, we will then review your complaint and take the appropriate action.
We will review your objection and, within 30 days, contact you with the results of our review, whether we will continue to process your data and details of the next steps possible.